Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Cliff Mass Weather Blog: Sea Surface Temperatures: West Versus East Coast.

Let's start with yesterday's sea surface temperatures around North America.

It is all in °C. Keep in mind that 10°C is roughly 50F, 20°C is around 68F, and 30°C is approximately 86F. The eastern Pacific near the West Coast is cold, with central California's waters a bit cooler than ours.

The water off of New England is crazy cold, while the uber-warm Gulf Stream is found along the west coast of Florida, moves past the Carolinas, and then heads northeastward into the Atlantic.

A blow-up of the sea surface temperatures off the Northwest really shows the amazing horizontal temperature changes north of the Gulf Stream.

The biggest sea surface temperature story is what is happening in the tropical Pacific.

Last year, a strong El Nino brought MUCH warmer than normal sea surface temperatures from South America, westward into the central Pacific.

The tropical Pacific surface waters are rapidly cooling, resulting in cooler than normal waters in many locations. 

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