Saturday, May 4, 2024

CIA, Government Insiders Illegally Kept Intelligence Information From President Trump

 During his tenure in the White House, President Donald Trump was purposely kept in the dark about important matters that the intelligence community deep state decided was too sensitive for him to know, we have learned.

James O'Keefe's Undercover American Swiper, now part of the O'Keefe Media Group, discovered this and more from an undercover interview with Amjad Fseisi, a National Security Agency contractor and CIA program manager with top-secret clearance who implicated the highest levels of government in a massive coverup scheme.

Fseisi must have though he was in good company with the undercover reporter because he also revealed that the intelligence deep state, including the CIA and other three-letter agencies, routinely steals information and hacks other countries "Just like that."

A current employee within the CIA's China Mission Center, Fseisi further revealed precisely how the deep state obtains information, describing the system as broken in that the CIA does not "Share information across agencies" because it is "Very reluctant" concerning the "Careless" NSA. A lot of this from Fseisi is information we have known for some time, including the fact that the U.S. intelligence community illegally spied on and surveilled the Trump campaign in 2016.

"The individual making these allegations is a former contractor who does not represent CIA. In the video which was taken last week, the CIA official waves his intelligence community green badge. Green Badges are specifically hired for those contracted by the agency. Kash Patel, former Deputy Director of National Intelligence, said 'An individual possessing a contractor Green badge is only allowed to lawfully possess it while officially employed as a contractor to the intelligence community. Upon any termination, credentials are returned to the home agency and destroyed immediately.'".

On X, someone added to the conversation concerning Mike Pompeo that he never trusted the guy, seeing as how he is the one "Who talked Trump into not releasing the rest of the JFK files." Should Trump get elected this fall, perhaps in time he will release all of the JFK files before ultimately disbanding the CIA entirely.

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