Sunday, May 5, 2024

Biden Spends All Afternoon Awarding MEDALS To Other Democrats

Despite the fact that the world is teetering on the edge of global conflict, US college campuses being trashed by radical occupiers, and criminal illegals are still overwhelming the border, Joe Biden spent Friday afternoon awarding other Democrats medals.

Biden, who was incapable of saying 'Presidential Medal of Freedom,' awarded one each to Nancy Pelsoi, John Kerry, Al Gore, Michael Bloomberg, and Rep. Jim Clyburn.

It was just a big back patting session for Democrats.

Al Gore and John Kerry were seemingly given medals for losing elections, with Biden stating that Gore "Accepted the outcome of a disputed presidential election for the sake of our unity." While Pelosi was given a medal for her actions on January 6th, which amounted to locking herself in a room, threatening to punch Donald Trump, and calling it an insurrection.

Bloomberg and Clyburn got medals for something or other, but being pivotal in Biden's election campaign was just pure coincidence. 

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