Far from protecting democracy from Kyiv to Washington, their role in Ukraine looks more like epic meddling resulting in political upheaval for both countries.
Leveraging billions of dollars in U.S. assistance, Washington has shaped the personnel and policies of subsequent Ukrainian governments, all while expanding its military and intelligence presence in Ukraine via the CIA and NATO. During this period, Ukraine has not become an independent self-sustaining democracy, but a client state heavily dependent on European and U.S. support, which has not protected it from the ravages of war.
AP. The Biden-Obama team's meddling in Ukraine has also had a boomerang effect at home.
"I'm a Ukrainian who knew how Ukraine was 30 years ago, and what it became today," he says.
AP. Obama, senior Pentagon official Derek Chollet recalled, was concerned that flooding Ukraine with more weapons would "Escalate the crisis" and give "Putin a pretext to go further and invade all of Ukraine."
Nuland's comments underscored an overlooked irony of the U.S. role in Ukraine: In claiming to defend Ukraine from Russian influence, Ukraine was subsumed by American influence.
While allegations of Russian interference and collusion would come to dominate the 2016 campaign, the first documented case of foreign meddling originated in Ukraine.
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