Friday, April 5, 2024

This Is Biden's Reelection Pitch?!?!

We recently received a Biden-Harris campaign fundraising email, and if this is the best pitch they can make, then Joe Biden deserves to lose, bigly.

Biden takes no responsibility for the nation's current troubles, and offers absolutely no solutions.

Biden goes on to lament the fact that, when he took office, "Schools and businesses were closed," without mentioning that Democrats were largely to blame for both.

Biden then trots out the claim that "We've created more jobs in two years than any president in a four-year term," which should be the Webster's Dictionary definition of lying with statistics.

While Biden claims to have "Created" 15 million jobs in his first three years in office, only 5.5 million were net gains, the rest were just backfilling jobs lost during the COVID lockdowns - which had thrown 22 million out of work.

Biden does make one true statement, at the end of his fundraising email, when he says: "When I look back at all the things we've accomplished together I'm reminded that there's so much more work for us to get done."

Biden Biden reelection campaign COVID-19 economy Featured inflation joe biden. 

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