Tuesday, April 9, 2024

The WHO's Road To Totalitarianism

 In a nutshell, it means that this unelected organisation would have the authority to proclaim lockdowns and ‘medical (or health) emergencies,’ as well as mandatory ‘vaccinations’ at the whim of the WHO’s Director-General, reducing the freedom to traverse space freely to ironclad spatial confinement in one fell swoop. This is what ‘total terror’ would mean. It is my fervent hope that something can still be done to avert this imminent nightmare.

Reading this evocative characterisation of totalitarianism in terms of 'total terror' makes one realise anew, with a start, how fiendishly clever the perpetrators of the so-called 'pandemic' emergency were - which was no real pandemic, of course, as the German government recently admitted.

Most people would not dare transgress these spatial restrictions, given the effectiveness of the campaign, to instil a dread of the supposedly lethal 'novel coronavirus' in populations, exacerbating 'total terror' in the process.

Just as relevant as the manner in which it cultivates terror is her identification of loneliness and isolation as prerequisites for total domination.

Terror, Arendt sagely observes, can 'rule absolutely' only over people who have been 'isolated against each other'.

If lawfulness is the essence of non-tyrannical government and lawlessness is the essence of tyranny, then terror is the essence of totalitarian domination.

Terror is the realization of the law of movement; its chief aim is to make it possible for the force of nature or of history to race freely through mankind, unhindered by any spontaneous human action.

Terror is lawfulness, if law is the law of the movement of some suprahuman force, Nature or History. 


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