Thursday, April 4, 2024


[T]hese claims, which are already tenuous due to rising wind and solar costs, ignore virtually all of the hidden real-world costs associated with building and operating wind turbines and solar panels while also keeping the grid reliable, including:

* Additional transmission expenses to connect wind and solar to the grid;

* Additional costs associated with Green Plating the grid;

* Additional property taxes because there is more property to tax;

* “Load balancing costs,” which include the cost of backup generators and batteries;

* Overbuilding and curtailment costs incurred when wind and solar are overbuilt to meet demand during periods of low wind and solar generation and are turned off during periods of higher output to avoid overloading the grid;

* These comparisons also ignore the cost differential between low-cost, existing power plants and new power plants.

Add all of these factors together, and you have a recipe for soaring electricity prices due to the addition of new wind, solar, and battery storage on the electric grid. 

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