Tuesday, April 9, 2024

The Inmates Are Running The American Foreign Policy Asylum

The United States and NATO have lost the proxy war against Russia sacrificing countless Ukrainians in the process.

On the surface the strategy employed by the West was to fight a proxy war in Russia in order to deplete Russia of its resources and somehow topple Putin.

In the 1990s, three time Republican Presidential candidate, Patrick J. Buchanan, routinely warned about the expansion of NATO after the end of the Cold War, as a provocative act that would lead toward hostilities with Russia.

Sending troops into Ukraine would mean NATO is at war with Russia.

The casual way that people in Washington these days speak about war and nuclear war is alarming.

There is a strong risk of full-scale war erupting out of the Russia NATO conflict.

It does not appear that those running American foreign policy have the national interests of the United States in mind at all.


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