The Easiest Way To Show The COVID Vaccines Are A Disaster And That The Medical Community Is Looking The Other Way
Without a lot of effort, you can do some amazing analyses that prove to anyone who still has critical thinking skills that the COVID vaccines are CAUSING serious side effects.
If you are looking at the COVID vaccines, which are claimed to be super safe, the plot of the onset time over time since the shot have to track each others shape within the statistical margin of error since they are both simply reporting the background uncorrelated event.
DVTs, a life threatening condition, are not a side effect of the COVID vaccines according to every mainstream health authority in the world.
As you can see, the COVID vaccine type has a vastly different temporal response curve than the other vaccine types, despite the fact that, for example, the flu shot is given to 6 times more people than the COVID shot has been delivered.
Only one public health official in the world, Dr. Joe Ladapo, is courageous enough to speak the truth about the dangers of these vaccines.
It's so obvious the harms caused by these vaccines.
The most important thing you can do now is to vote for a new US President who sees the harms of these vaccines and will stop it.
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