The NLG opposed the formation of NATO. It opposed the Truman Doctrine which committed the United States to opposing the spread of Communism.
In the years since, the NLG has consistently been identified with groups that seek to overthrow the existing social order and impose a revolutionary Communist government on the citizens of the United States.
NLG attorney William Kunstler wrote in 1975 that "The thing I'm most interested in is keeping people on the street who will forever alter the character of this society: the revolutionaries." A number of NLG members were connected to the Weather Underground, a domestic terrorist organization that carried out at least 25 bombings in the United States in the 1970s.
Beginning in the 1970's the NLG increasingly began to forge connections to the foreign enemies of the United States.
In May 2021, the NLG's International Committee released a statement saying "The Zionist settler colonial movement with the support of imperialist powers established the state of Israel." It asserted "The legal right of Palestinians to resist the colonizing power that seeks to annihilate them," including through armed struggle.
The day after the October 7, 2023 attacks by Hamas inside Israel, the NLG affirmed "The legitimacy of the right of the Palestinian people to resist" and declared the group's support for "The people of Palestine in their struggle against the settler colonial state of Israel." The NLG argued that the terrorist attacks upon civilians were justified and that the terrorists involved were simply "Exercising their fundamental and protected right to self-defense and to liberate their land and people from occupation and colonialism." The Guild called for "All Palestinian and Lebanese resistance organizations" to be removed from the list of U.S.-designated terrorist groups.
The NLG has officially stated that the United States "Is based on and dedicated to preserving white supremacy, hetero-patriarchy and imperialism." It has called for the abolishment of all jails and prisons and the dissolution of all law enforcement organizations.
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