Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Screaming 'Death To America' In Dearborn

 Around the 40-minute mark of that video, as the crowd screams "Free, Free Palestine" and the genocidal "From the River to the Sea, Palestine Will be Free," an activist named Tarek Bazzi came to the podium.

"We've been asked in the past," Bazzi said, "Why are our protests on the International Day of Quds, why are they so anti-America? Why don't we just focus more on Israel and not talk so much on America? Gaza has shown the entire world why these protests are so anti-America." Bazzi went on to claim that the U.S. was bankrolling Israel's war effort and running interference for Israel at the UN; he also referred to Hamas propaganda regarding alleged Israeli atrocities.

Bazzi clearly wasn't interested in electoral politics.

Bazzi showed no reaction, but paused until the screams died down.

Merriam-Webster defines sedition as "Incitement of resistance to or insurrection against lawful authority," but Tarek Bazzi doesn't have anything to worry about.

The last thing the Biden regime is going to do is prosecute, or even investigate, a Muslim in Dearborn in a year when Muslims in Dearborn could make the difference between Old Joe continuing to pretend to be president until he can no longer even articulate words well enough to lie and gaslight the American people, and the dreaded Bad Orange Man returning to the White House.

Which way Michigan votes in November is not what intelligence and law enforcement officials should be thinking about when they watch video of Bazzi's unhinged rant.

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