Thursday, April 4, 2024

S.C. Representative Joe White Admonishes Lawmakers On Stalling Judicial Reform

 This afternoon on at the S.C. Statehouse, Representative Joe White took on the General Assembly for letting judicial reform die in 2024 by stalling legislative action until the term's crossover period.

For over two years, the leadership of the General Assembly has known that We the People want Judicial Reform.

Last fall, Speaker Smith appointed that ad hoc committee to look at Judicial Reform.

I have made Representative Jay Jordan, the Chair of the Judicial subcommittee that is responsible for the bill aware that I have an amendment to S1046,.

I have made Representative Weston Newton, the Chair of the Judicial Committee, aware that I have an amendment to S1046.

Since there could potentially be a conflict of interest for a member of the General Assembly who regularly appears before or has business before or is involved in the courts of this state to serve on the Judicial Merit Selection Commission, no member of the General Assembly so situated shall be appointed to the Judicial Merit Selection Commission.

Today, I am asking the South Carolina Press Corp to let the public know what is happening in the name of judicial reform.

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