Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Nightmares Of The Elite

People we’ve been led to believe are “learned” are actually shockingly ignorant (or plain evil). But these people will still be leading these organizations tomorrow and 10 years from today. I didn’t know this knowledge would cause me to have recurring nightmares, but it has. My dream’s definitely telling me to write about this, which I’ve now done. Maybe I’ll now get a peaceful night’s sleep.

Depending on how we count them, America has 4,200 to 6,000 colleges, which are charged with educating the "Best and brightest" students in society and supposedly contain society's greatest thinkers in their faculty.

Among America's 4,200 or so colleges, the only college that pushed back against these measures or the "Authorized narratives" regarding Covid was Hillsdale College in southern Michigan.

Not only did America's cohort of faculty members fail, at least 4,200 college presidents also failed spectacularly.

Excluding Hillsdale College, not one college president nor one dean of any prominent school within these colleges possessed the intellectual courage to question decisions that affected every person on the planet.

From Harvard to your local community college, one can confidently assert that the group-think among the leaders of at least 4,200 American colleges was 100 percent.

Four years into Covid, I'm not aware of one college president or prominent dean who's admitted they were wrong about so many important points and announced faculty reviews that might make such mistakes less likely to occur in the future.

One of my colleagues at Brownstone Institute recently published an essay where he actually employed the labels "Stupid" and "Ignorant" to describe the behaviors of these college professors and administrators over the last four years. 

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