Wednesday, April 10, 2024

New Paper Finds Effect Of Human-Caused Carbon Emissions On Climate Is "Non-Discernible"

In the informative Climate: The Movie, the 2022 Nobel physics laureate Dr. John Clauser thundered: "I assert there is no connection whatsoever between climate change and CO2 - it's all a crock of crap, in my opinion." While not expressing himself in such forthright terms, the Greek scientist Professor Demetris Koutsoyiannis might agree.

It is widely argued that changing atmospheric carbon isotopes prove that most if not all recent warming is caused by the 4% human contribution from burning hydrocarbons, but such anthropogenic involvement is dismissed by Koutsoyiannis as "Non-discernible".

The isotope argument has been around for some time and has been useful in closing down debate on the role of human-caused CO2 and its supposed effect in causing a 'climate emergency'.

The carbon in living matter has a slightly higher proportion of 12C isotopes, and recent lowering levels of 13C, which accounts for 99% of carbon in the atmosphere, are used to promote the idea that it is caused by burning hydrocarbons.

As the Daily Sceptic has noted on numerous occasions, it would help if there was at least one peer-reviewed paper that proved conclusively that humans caused all or most changes in the climate.

The complex workings can be viewed in the full paper with the author concluding that instrumental carbon isotopic data of the last 40 years shows no discernible signs of human hydrocarbon CO2 emissions.

The lack, or otherwise, of a discernible human-caused carbon isotope signature is an interesting branch of climate science to investigate as we have seen, it is constrained by the political requirements governing the settled science narrative. 

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