Saturday, April 6, 2024

Mike Gallagher, You Left Us Behind

Mike Gallagher - former Marine intelligence officer, fresh face of 2016, young idealist with enough honors to fill a trophy case - is quitting his congressional seat April 19.

Back home in Wisconsin's eighth congressional district, voters resoundingly endorsed Gallagher.

To spend more time with his family? Or, perhaps more cynically, to work for defense tech giant Palantir? Gallagher hasn't said, but whatever his answer, he's lowered the bar - as a veteran and a congressman.

Gallagher promised to work for Green Bay, Oshkosh, and the country, and the voters believed him.

While the media fixates on whether Gallagher "Betrayed the party," the truth is he betrayed the American people.

Gallagher happily displayed his service medals on campaign commercials, and proudly wore his USMC polo shirt while meeting the voters.

Beneath the T-shirts and slogans, the medals and canteen cups, are the principles Gallagher learned in Quantico, and followed while serving in Iraq. 

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