Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Judge Reggie Walton: Political Speech Commissar

 During a court hearing last year, Walton, a 75-year-old senior judge on the U.S. district court in Washington, fumed over an interview an individual named Daniel Goodwyn had given to then Fox News host Tucker Carlson to describe the government's harsh treatment of January 6 defendants.

Walton blamed "Misinformation that is disseminated to the American public" for the "Discord that now exists in our country in reference to the presidential election and what occurred on January 6th.".

As is the case with every self-appointed commissar using his authority to silence dissent, Walton proceeded to spread his own amount of disinformation about January 6 and the treatment of Capitol protesters, i.e., supporters of Donald Trump.

Tom and Lori Vinson pleaded guilty to the same low level "Parading" offense but that didn't stop Walton from raging at the couple for falling "Hook, line and sinker" for what Walton insisted were lies about the 2020 election.

January 6, Walton opined, "Is something that still haunts us because the individuals who instigated what occurred are still engaging in the same rhetoric that resulted in the frenzy that took place on that day." He sentenced the young man to 40 months.

Speaking with CNN host Kaitlin Collins on March 28, Walton opined about New York Judge Juan Merchan's expansive gag order against the former president pending his April 15 trial in Manhattan for allegedly falsifying records related to so-called "Hush money" payments before the 2016 election.

"DC federal judges must get their house in order and take immediate corrective action against Judge Walton. This will send a clear message to other federal judges, especially DC judges, that they cannot take off their judicial robes and climb into the political ring." 


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