Monday, April 8, 2024

Is The Great Illusion In Ruins?

In exchange for their exits that ensured Biden the nomination, the left took over his general campaign-in which Biden was virtually relegated to his basement-and then set his agenda.

As a result, the Biden administration is furiously trying to find a way to release more of its hated oil and natural gas on the world market.

Biden fulfilled his agenda of getting 10 million illegal aliens into the United States by destroying the southern border.

Biden knows destroying the border will ruin America for generations to come, costing billions of dollars in subsidies and legal and policing costs to integrate the massive influx.

Biden is now replaying the 1950s CIA-stereotype of the "Ugly American," as he does his best to overthrow the Netanyahu government, and to allow the trapped Hamas remnants to escape and claim they defeated the Zionist entity, despite butchering more Jews in a single day than any time since the Holocaust.

Team Biden whispers to the media about slow-walking or stopping key arms shipments, abdicating America's once protective role in the UN, or encouraging the "International community" to go after Netanyahu for "War crimes" for accidentally hitting a civilian team in Gaza.

The Biden administration outsourced criminal justice to defund the police/critical legal theorists at the federal, state, and local levels. 

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