Thursday, April 4, 2024

How Drug Companies Deceive Doctors

 The extensive amount of research and resources dedicated to generating new products had not necessarily resulted in meaningful advancements and the number of truly groundbreaking drugs introduced in the 1970s had been insignificant, with little to justify the continued expenditure on traditional research by drug companies.

There is much evidence to show that drug companies have no compunction whatsoever about promoting drugs which may be dangerous, if they think they can make money.

In their attempts to produce revolutionary compounds which will match the impact made by the first antibiotics and the first steroids, the drug companies have developed and sold a number of very dangerous substances which they have encouraged doctors to prescribe widely on the basis of limited trials.

As a writer in General Practitioner, one of the free circulation medical magazines, put it, "For the drug companies the need to publish information overrides considerations like the circulation of the journal or its editorial standards." The reason for this is that the drug companies know that few prescribers actually read any of the articles in the medical journals.

There is no doubt that the commercial drug companies have in the last three-quarters of a century put onto the market a number of extremely important drugs.

The evidence now suggests convincingly that the drug companies are unlikely to continue producing useful drugs at a similar rate in the future.

Most of the drugs being put onto the market today are merely variations on existing themes and the drug companies are doing themselves irreparable harm in their attempts to promote these products.

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