Sunday, April 7, 2024

How Do Republican Legislators Stack Up Nationally?



In our last article, we shared a county by county breakdown of average 2023-2024 Freedom Index scores published by the John Birch Society.

We received feedback that the scores for South Carolina Republicans were unrealistically low and couldn't possibly be right.

JBS, a conservative group formed in 1958, has applied the same standard to every state legislator in the nation in determining their measure called the Freedom Index, so we thought we'd find out how Republicans in South Carolina averaged compared to their Republican counterparts in other states.

If you remove the Freedom Caucus, which has an average of 83.4, the average drops to 32.9.

The rationale behind the Freedom Index score can be found here.

Here is another one we found online from The Club for Growth comparing South Carolina's Freedom Caucus with other representatives in South Carolina.

While we didn't analyze Americans for Prosperity's scorecard, a brief glance shows us this year SC legislators scored much higher on average than they did last year, leading us to believe the score was potentially heavily influenced by the passage of the Certificate of Need bill they lobbied hard to pass.

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