Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Here's Why Nobody Believes Biden On The Economy Anymore

 "Three years ago, I inherited an economy on the brink" - a lie we've repeatedly exposed - "With today's report of 303,000 new jobs in March, we have passed the milestone of 15 million jobs created since I took office" - another lie; as we noted last week, the economy has created only 5 million net new jobs under Biden, which is less than the number of jobs created during President Donald Trump's first three years in office.

Antoni dug into the jobs data and discovered that all the new jobs created in March were part-time.

The number of full-time jobs actually declined a little.

Why the surge in part-time employment? Antoni notes that many Americans who've been laid off ended up replacing one job with two or three part-time jobs.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics produces two sets of job numbers, based on two different surveys - one of households and the other of business establishments.

The rising share of part-time work "Has caused an unprecedented divergence between the household and establishment surveys, since the latter double-counts individuals w/multiple jobs while the former survey shows a net loss of jobs since Aug '23," Antoni says.

Over the past 12 months, native-born Americans lost 651,000 jobs, while foreign-born gained 1.3 million. 


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