Friday, April 5, 2024

Former IRS Chief Urged Investigation of the Freedom Center

The former IRS Chief of Exempt Organizations had read Front Page Magazine and he wasn't happy.

The former head of the IRS Exempt Organizations Technical Division in D.C. had been part of the "Inner circle" of Lois Lerner, who had been at the heart of the IRS conservative targeting scandal.

While Friedlander had retired before the scandal, he went on defending the IRS and denying that political motives had been involved in the targeting of conservative organizations.

"Include some of the most powerful and influential figures in the Trump administration: Attorney General Sessions, senior policy adviser Miller and White House chief strategist Stephen K. Bannon" and argued that "Horowitz's story shows how charities have become essential to modern political campaigns, amid lax enforcement of the federal limits on their involvement in politics." It was a pitch by a big government paper read by every major bureaucrat in D.C. to the IRS to investigate the Freedom Center in order to stop Trump.

The Post's attack on the Freedom Center rested on its claim that we "Had assumed a leading role in the hard-right branch of the network" and that we were violating IRS rules because we were "Openly involved in fighting a political war with the left." That multiple huge leftist nonprofits like Media Matters were involved in fighting a war with conservatives was however not an issue.

On June 3, a little over a week later, the Washington Post had run a major hit piece on us calling for the IRS to shut us down.

The IRS accused us of "Electioneering" and intervening to hurt Hillary and help Trump. 

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