Monday, April 8, 2024

Democrats Plan to Kneecap Trump’s Candidacy

 Rasmussen Reports surveys U.S. likely voters, those who actually cast votes, and they show Trump with an 8 point lead. They also found little impact from third party candidates such as Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Jill Stein, or Cornell West.

The deep state, swamp, blob, ruling class, establishment, uni-party, or whatever is today's term de jour for the permanent administrative state has been pulling out all the stops to vanquish Trump.

What's their plan, given that Trump has so far been unstoppable? President Trump added three relatively conservative justices to the U.S. Supreme Court over the histrionics of the left, going so far as to accuse one of the nominees of participating in "Rape trains" during high school.

Formerly red, now deep blue, Colorado, with a feckless Republican Party as dysfunctional as a circular firing squad, attempted via their far-left Secretary of State, to keep Trump off the Colorado ballot claiming he is an "Insurrectionist." Never mind that he has neither been accused nor convicted of insurrection.

Perhaps Colorado justices believed that Trump's words on January 6, "I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard" was a call to overthrow the government that at the time, Trump was in charge of.

The above plan is Constitutional and will be applauded across corporate media as "Democracy in action." With Trump gone, we will get a Koch brothers and Chamber of Commerce-approved Republican candidate like Nikki Haley.

The Democrats have the perfect solution for kneecapping Trump and keeping Washington, D.C. in a business-as-usual mode for the foreseeable future.

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