Tuesday, April 9, 2024

California's Crony Capitalist Minimum Wage Law

 On April 1, California raised the minimum wage for large fast food restaurant franchises to $20 an hour.

This law will threaten seven hundred thousand jobs by destroying the state's food franchising business; however, there is one notable fast food franchise exempted from this minimum wage hike: Panera.

When pressed on this exemption by a number of California Republicans, the Newsom administration denied any crony dealings, labeling these accusations as "Absurd." The administration maintains that Panera will not be exempt from the law.

Flynn may raise his company's minimum wage voluntarily to "Prove" that he is not exempt and then, when the attention from the press subsides, loosen the wage requirement and begin hiring people below the state's minimum wage.

In this situation, the choice was never between a higher minimum wage and a higher minimum wage with some exemptions.

The choice was between a minimum wage increase with exemptions and no minimum wage increase at all.

In light of the Panera controversy, the California state legislature is passing more exemptions to the minimum wage.


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