Friday, April 5, 2024

Biden Regime Introduces Regulations to Block Trump’s Plan to Expunge The Deep State

The Office of Personnel Management, the principal agency overseeing federal government employees, has introduced guidelines preventing career civil servants from being reassigned as political appointees who can be terminated more swiftly from their positions.

In a White House statement on Thursday, Biden said he was introducing "The final rule to protect nonpartisan civil servants" that would "Protections for 2.2 million career civil servants from political interference, to guarantee that they can carry out their responsibilities in the best interest of the American people." As Gold Prices Hit Record Highs, One 12-Page Pamphlet Tells the Story of God, Gold and Glory He continued: Day in and day out, career civil servants provide the expertise and continuity necessary for our democracy to function.

House Committee on Oversight and Accountability Chairman, Republican James Comer, argued the ruling would allow federal employees to be unaccountable: OPM's final rule is yet another example of the Biden Administration's efforts to insulate the federal workforce from accountability.

The federal workforce exists to serve the American people, yet many Americans have a deep and growing distrust of the federal bureaucracy.

The Biden Administration's rule will further undermine Americans' confidence in their government since it allows poor performing federal workers and those who attempt to thwart the policies of a duly elected President to remain entrenched in the federal bureaucracy.

We need more accountability for the unelected federal bureaucracy, not less.

Trump has repeatedly stated that he will seek to unravel the influence of the deep state over the course of his second term. 

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