Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Biden Offers $300 Billion Bribe To Buy 30 Million Voters

After $138 billion in bribes already, Biden visited Wisconsin to corruptly promise "Student loan debt" transfer from his potential voters to the taxpayers who are already facing $100,000 in debt per household from the national debt.

While student loan debt transfer loaded onto taxpayers is bad enough, Biden is fairly blatant about making it a bribe by doing it in a battleground state as part of his election campaign.

Biden has boasted about ignoring the Supreme Court's ruling to push what he misleadingly calls "Student loan forgiveness".

What's the cost of this particular bribe? Biden isn't saying, but the last time he tried this, the cost was estimated at $430 billion for 40 million potential Biden voters.

This time around, the Biden administration is claiming that it's bailing out 30 million potential voters.

That's a whole lot of money, but Biden isn't paying for it, the American people are.

Much like the Strategic Oil Reserve, which Biden drained to buy votes previously, this is an unprecedented greedy bank robbery that will cause tremendous damage and suffering to the American people who will be left holding the bag. 


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