Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Biden Keeps Demanding ‘Ceasefire’ In Gaza War — But Hamas Won’t Accept Deal

The Biden administration is increasing demands for a halt to Israeli military operations in Gaza, but Hamas keeps rejecting ceasefire proposals.

President Joe Biden relayed to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during a tense phone conversation on Thursday that an "Immediate ceasefire" was "Essential" in the Gaza Strip - a call shared by his administration and key voting blocs - and urged Netanyahu to reach a deal "Without delay." Israel has made several ceasefire proposals to Hamas and offered generous terms to reach a deal, but the terrorist group has repeatedly rejected the plans since the war began.

Hamas most recently spurned an Israeli ceasefire deal on Tuesday, but said it would review details further; the terrorist group wants assurances that Israel Defense Forces forces will begin to withdraw from Gaza fully, that civilians can return to their homes in the north of the region and that a large number of Palestinian prisoners can be released, according to Reuters and The Washington Post.

Israel made two separate proposals for a six-week ceasefire again in March and early April, both of which were also rejected by Hamas, according to FDD. "We are committed to our demands," Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh said on April 3, according to Reuters.

Hamas has made these demands on several occasions since it attacked Israel on Oct. 7, killing nearly 1,200 people, and has rejected deals that aren't favorable to their terms, which Netanyahu has previously called "Delusional." Netanyahu has taken a hardline stance against a permanent ceasefire until Israel has achieved "Total victory" against Hamas, but has been striving for a temporary truce in exchange for the remainder of the hostages.

A temporary ceasefire was reached in November, in which Israel halted fighting in exchange for a large number of hostages, but it ended a week after Hamas reportedly broke the terms of the deal.

Both sides were still considering the U.S. proposal as of Tuesday, according to the WSJ. "To be honest, we are not optimistic," an official familiar with the current negotiations told the WSJ. Biden initially supported Israel's war efforts, claiming that he would "Never fail to have Israel's back" - his administration rejected calls for a ceasefire because they were concerned it would allow Hamas to rebuild its strength and attack Israel again. 

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