Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Biden Admin Gives $6.6 Billion to Project Run By Ex-Solyndra CEO

 The Department of Energy's loan office has poured billions into companies with an array of financial and legal problems, leading to investigations by GOP lawmakers.

Solyndra received over $500 million in loans from the Obama administration under a 2009 stimulus program.

During Harrison's tenure, the company declared bankruptcy and defaulted on the loans.

An inspector general investigation found that Solyndra executives provided misleading information to Department of Energy officials during the loan negotiations in 2009 and later "While drawing down loan proceeds." The IG report said the "Actions of certain Solyndra officials were, at best, reckless and irresponsible or, at worst, an orchestrated effort to knowingly and intentionally deceive and mislead the Department." Republicans held up Solyndra as an example of reckless government spending.

In 2012, GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney held a press conference outside the company's headquarters, calling it a "Symbol" of "Failure." In the wake of the scandal, the Obama administration scaled down the operations of the Department of Energy's loan programs office, which had issued the funding.

Now the Biden administration has revived and expanded the office-giving it a massive $400 billion budget for green energy loans.

The spending has come under fire from Republicans, who have noted that the loan office's director, Jigar Shah, appears to have conflicts of interest with some of the loan recipients. 


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