Friday, April 5, 2024

America's Foreign Aid Ponzi Scheme

 The reason for the aid varies based on the receiving country.

So does the aid actually go to the country? As Ukraine aid has shown, the answer our DoD gave us is - No. Congress secures money for Ukraine that is actually spent on Industrial Defense - Lockheed, Northrup, Raytheon, Boeing, etc The same Industrial Defense that uses the money to build weapons and armaments which are sold to foreign countries like Saudi Arabia at a hefty profit.

Some countries receive US foreign aid annually - like Israel, Jordan, Ethiopia, Egypt, Nigeria, etc In essence, US Taxpayers are paying the US government to give their money to fund the confiscation of African resources.

US aid to Israel is looked upon differently than any other nation.

Aid to Israel has continued every single year since 1948.

Over 2 million Palestinians were forced into refugee status, and the US became the benefactor of Israel Aid.

Today, Biden is securing a $14.3 billion aid package to Israel amidst an annual increase in aid to $4 billion.

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