In particular, district attorneys, parole boards, and judges should have accountability as they relate to violent criminals.
Unlike the situation when the Pentagon loses a hammer or when a transportation department builds a road to nowhere, when criminals are let back out on the street to terrorize citizens, there are real consequences for real people.
Repeatedly, we soon discover the perpetrator was let out early on parole, was sprung via a laughably low bail, or walked out of a jailhouse after no bail was required.
Prosecutors plea attempted murder down to assault or a judge sets an unconscionably low bail, and, suddenly, a violent criminal is back out on the street.
Regardless of the merits of their arguments none should outweigh the public's right to be safe in their communities from known criminals.
Still, judges, Das, and parole board members eventually would hone their decision-making skills so that they make decisions that are better balanced between criminals' desires for leniency if they're first-time offenders or have proven remorse and repentance, on the one hand, and citizens' desire for safety, on the other hand.
There is certainly a balance to be had between the rights of criminals and the safety of a community but, currently, Democrats have put a bag of lead on the side of the criminals, and citizens across the country are paying the price.
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