More pointedly, if our loving God is omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent - which He is - why then did His own Son have to be tortured and executed? Countless people throughout the ages have asked, "If God is love, why would he require his own son to endure such torture and death?" Indeed, many have judged God, concluding: "I could never worship a god like that." From the ultimate expression of love - "Greater love hath no man than this, that he lay down his life for his friend" - to the simple act of being patient with others, love implies forbearance, longsuffering and kindness in the midst of problems. The only way God could "Create" loving children was for us to have a choice: a choice to love Him, or to be our own god - literally, a choice to make something more important than our own lives, well-being and comfort - a choice to love, in other words - and to be able to demonstrate that love, which involves suffering. Shortly before His Pas...
It's becoming increasingly difficult to discern fact from fiction, and unfortunately the media has a strong bias. They spin stories to make conservatives look bad and will go to great lengths to avoid reporting on the good that comes from conservative policies. There are a few shining lights in the media landscape-brave conservative outlets that report the truth and offer a different perspective. We must support conservative outlets like this one and ensure that our voices are heard.