Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell has announced he will be stepping down from his perch atop the Senate GOP after what will be the longest tenure as a leader in Senate history.
Some Senate Republicans have given conciliatory responses to McConnell's departure.
Senator Rick Scott of Florida released a statement suggesting McConnell's departure offers a big opportunity for the Senate GOP. "I have been very clear and have long believed that we need new leadership in the Senate that represents our voters and the issues we were sent here to fight for. As everyone knows, I challenged Leader McConnell last year. This is an opportunity to refocus our efforts on solving the significant challenges facing our country and actually reflect the aspirations of voters," Scott said.
McConnell took to the Senate floor and said, "I still have enough gas in my tank to thoroughly disappoint my critics and I intend to do so with all the enthusiasm with which they've become accustomed."
As Senator Ron Johnson told The American Conservative in a phone call yesterday, "I cannot tell you how often he reminds us how many hundreds of millions of dollars he raised for the Senate Leadership Fund last cycle, and how much he's raised this cycle." At Senate luncheons during the border negotiations, McConnell would suggestively make remarks about campaign fundraising before turning the floor to Senator James Lankford.
Because McConnell is staying until November, he'll still have control of at least some of the purse strings.
Now McConnell is no longer about being majority leader, what will he be about in the eight months before he steps down?
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