Planned Parenthood boasts that it is the nation's largest sex education provider, "Reaching 1.2 million people a year through education and outreach." Recently, a video from its sex education curricula made for middle school and high school students went viral on several right-leaning social media accounts.
In the Sex Education 101 video, a Planned Parenthood sex educator in bright colors and quirky glasses explains in an obnoxiously perky voice about virginity.
Planned Parenthood describes its digital curricula for middle school and high school students as a "3.5-hour Digital Learning Journey [where] students follow an animated story while exploring sex ed topics through interactive activities, videos, quizzes, and resources." They charge a sliding scale of $0-$10 for the course per student, supplemented by our tax dollars.
As the overview video about the curricula states, "Students become inspired to advocate for their rights, especially regarding autonomy and equity regarding one's sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression." During the lessons, students also learn how to access to Planned Parenthood's text chat, which is available 24 hours a day to answer all their sex education questions.
In the high school curricula videos, the students meet Ty, one of the animated characters in their story-based approach to teaching.
Planned Parenthood is pushing an agenda to have the most radical members of the already left-leaning teaching profession be our nation's students' gender, sexuality, and sexual trauma counselors when that is not their role.
In addition to this, a study from the Claremont Institute found that Planned Parenthood received 80 percent of the sex education funding from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
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