While doing their two weekly national surveys, Rasmussen and his team noticed an anomaly.
Rasmussen's 1 percent track with all the zany things spun out to the population at Davos and other globalist elite confabs.
The jobs the elite Rasmussen describes involve, at least to a disproportionate extent, the ability to creatively imagine that two plus two equals five.
All of a sudden, the insane proclivities described above in Rasmussen's polling represented the demands of an entire political party - most of whose voters either disagree with or are not motivated by them.
It's Joe Biden who represents the policies of Rasmussen's radical elite to an electorate no longer bound by a cult of personality.
A poll in New Mexico, which is Ground Zero for the Obama-Biden border invasion - there's another policy that Rasmussen didn't poll but would no doubt reveal a massive disconnect between the elite 1 percent and the rest of the country - that popped out this week now has Donald Trump blowing Biden out by a 57-41 margin, with 63 percent of Hispanics rating the current president unfavorable.
Numbers like Rasmussen has shown us, and the current fortunes of a regime now fronted by an unimpressive white member of our unimpressive political elite, indicate that without such a move, the coalition will collapse.
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