Private financing of government election offices under the guise of COVID-19 relief skewed voter turnout in the 2020 election and may have tipped the presidential election to Joe Biden.
HB 11: Would expand scope of existing ban on private funding for election offices to prohibit state employees and officials from accepting private moneys to administer elections.
SB 134: "A political subdivision that conducts or administers an election may not accept private money donations to prepare, administer, or conduct elections or to employ individuals on a temporary basis for preparing, administering, or conducting elections, including registering voters. Requires all state agencies to submit to the budget agency a report of each individual state employee employed by the state agency whose salary is funded in whole or in part from donated money." Passed legislature 03/08/22, awaits Gov. Eric Holcomb's signature.
June 17, 2022: New legislation would stop elections offices from accepting private funding for elections.
S 725: Prohibits the State Board of Elections, county boards of elections, and county commissioners from accepting private funding for election expenses.
"Regardless of the source of additional funding for election administration, election administrators must always run elections according to state and federal law. By prohibiting donations or grants to election agencies, this bill unnecessarily restricts the use of resources that may be needed to ensure elections are administered effectively."
Total CTCL Grants: $0. SF 0142: Prohibits elections officials from accepting private funding for elections.
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