Johnson is moving toward a Thursday vote in the House on the Israel funding alone.
McConnell has made clear he doesn't want to address Israel funding without Ukraine.
In the Senate, conservatives are urging McConnell to use his leverage - the 60-vote threshold to pass legislation - to demand policy wins in exchange for helping Biden and Democrats pass the larger measure.
Vance said McConnell should force Democrats to accept policy changes at the southern border, before giving them enough GOP votes to pass a massive aid package for Israel, Ukraine and the Indo-Pacific.
"If Sen. McConnell thinks he's going to pass a $100 billion conglomeration - what Biden wants - there's no way it passes the House. Sen. McConnell's not unaware of the way the House works," Paul told us.
In his view, why would you pick this fight with Democrats when you agree with them on Ukraine funding? McConnell has few, if any, incentives to give in to the Republicans who want to de-link Israel and Ukraine - a minority of the Senate minority party.
There are many other Senate Republicans who agree with McConnell on Ukraine - at least half the conference.
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