Kevin McCarthy's ouster revolved entirely around budgetary issues, including Ukrainian war funding. In his first floor speech as presumptive House Speaker, Mike Johnson outlined his priorities:
Here's the stats: prices have increased over 17% in the last two years.
We have to bring relief to the American people by reining in federal spending and bringing down inflation.
CHANGES TO THE STANDING RULES. INITIATIVES TO REDUCE SPENDING AND IMPROVE ACCOUNTABILITY. - CUT-AS-YOU-GO. - In rule XXI, amend clause 10 to read as follows: ''10.(a)(1) Except as provided in paragraphs and, it shall not be in order to consider a bill or joint resolution, or an amendment thereto or a conference report thereon, if the provisions of such measure have the net effect of increasing mandatory spending for the period of either - ''(A) the current year, the budget year, and the four fiscal years following that budget year; or ''(B) the current year, the budget year, and the nine fiscal years following that budget year.
The massive Bidenomics deficit spending, including the Inflation "Reduction" Act, constituted a desperate effort to postpone the inevitable.
If Johnson followed a difficult path ascending to the speakership, that is a cakewalk compared to the fight to curtail Congress' spending and debt addiction.
As Heraclitus observed 2,500 years ago: every animal is driven to pasture with blows.
If Biden vetoes House bills slashing spending, he drags his party down with him.
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