If you ignore and manufacture history, no matter how unpleasant that history may be, in order to fit your propagandizing narrative, you are never going to learn to avoid such events. History is a great teacher if you are willing to listen to its lessons and absorb them.
Few people alive today know or have learned in school that in November 1960, representatives of 81 Communist parties around the world met in Moscow and issued a Communist declaration of purpose wherein the United States was “singled out as the main enemy of communism” and that the world Communist movement’s goal was to achieve world domination. The strategy 63 years ago was to attack the United States in full force. The meeting discussed the fact that “peaceful coexistence” was not possible.
Education is manipulating your children from kindergarten to college
Since then, the communist agents sent to the U.S. and those within the Communist U.S.A. Party and other NGO organizations have disseminated highly effective propaganda through mass media, magazines, newspapers, videos, movies, documentaries, books and pamphlets, leaflets, posters, stickers, post cards, murals, graffiti, demonstrations of the Marxist left, all violent and disruptive to life, education, textbooks, libraries, entertainment, radio, cable news, and front organizations targeting minorities, youth, and women, the so called Women Liberation Movement.
Communist propaganda is the most powerful and effective way to influence, condition, and manipulate people. Education is manipulating your children from kindergarten to college. The agents of the Marxist organizations in the U.S. have entered education for decades, the labor movement, civil rights, legislation, veterans, culture, minority group, foreign nationals, youth, peace movements, women, defense, press, radio, television, and Hollywood.
Sixty-three years later, exposed “suddenly” with the fundamental transformation of America from a Constitutional Republic into a Marxist Oligarchy, the country is wondering how the globalist Marxists took over the country so fast. But it was not fast, they have been digging at the foundation of America for decades until the foundation became so porous and brittle that it collapsed in a seemingly short time with very little opposition. How can one oppose the mighty government turned against its own citizens and traditions? How can the legal system collapse so fast before our own eyes?
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