The United States Treasury Department servers were hacked during the Solar Winds cyberattack launched by cyber thieves reportedly working for the Russian and Chinese governments.
U.S. government agencies have already been hacked at least seven times in 2023 alone.
America's allies, including NATO, the U.K. and the E.U., were also hacked in a successful coup that affected more than 30,000 organizations and agencies.
The hack went on for a full seven months before being detected, allowing both Russian and Chinese hackers nearly unlimited access to America's critical infrastructure.
Nearly four years have passed since the hackers gained access to U.S. government and corporate servers.
Despite the Microsoft Corporation's attempts to install backdoor "Kill switches" to stop the hackers from accessing further information, many of the hacked organizations "Aren't yet sure if they are free from the malware," leaving people, businesses and potentially the federal government vulnerable to the attackers' whims.
"Malicious actors only need to breach a few servers, and suddenly, they can control the entire country's monetary supply," Awosika writes for "Hacker Noon," an ezine for the hacking community.
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