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Scared for Your Country? What You Can and Must Do

 With crackdowns on speech and religious exercise, and brazen indictments against a past president and likely presidential nominee — by powers that previously tried to frame him for conspiring with a hostile foreign power but which have, themselves, colluded with the enemy — ordinary Americans watch helplessly as they see their republic slipping away before their eyes.

But they're not helpless.  Not at all.

"What can I do?" a young relative recently asked me as we grieved the goings-on.

Plenty, I discovered on reflection. Here's just a partial list of what we concerned citizens can do to rescue and revive the republic:

  • Educate yourself — which today means finding alternate sources of news and information, particularly with the odd ebb of Fox News as a reliable counterweight to the ubiquitous liberal media.  (You may want to start with sites such as this.)
  • Become a tireless advocate for truth, justice, and government accountability.
  • Be vocal on social media and among acquaintances about your beliefs and what needs to happen.
  • Back up those beliefs with solid evidence.
  • Run for office.
  • Support only candidates who pursue policies that uphold the Constitution, rule of law, national security, prosperity, public safety, healthy choices, and orderly society.  (It's not healthy, civil or compassionate, for instance, to allow or even encourage people to destroy themselves with drugs on public sidewalks or public parks.)
  • Agree on a written set of personal and family values, then act on them every day.
  • Support alternatives to public education failure and indoctrination.  (See American Federation for ChildrenEdChoice, and more.)
  • Have the courage to stand up to a misguided mob pushing policies and values you know to be harmful.
  • Monitor what your elected officials at every level are doing, and hold them accountable.
  • Join with other people in like-minded organizations to safeguard civil society, individual freedom, and the constitutional republic (Moms For LibertyParents Defending Education, and more).
  • Support public-interest nonprofits and law firms that protect freedom of speech, religion, and other liberties enshrined in the Bill of Rights (Alliance Defending FreedomFirst Liberty Institute, and more).
  • Work to create and preserve election integrity (voter ID, no ballot-harvesting, no drop boxes, no mass mailings of ballots or ballot applications).
  • Sign up to be a poll worker or a poll observer.
  • Don't be fooled by ad hominem, unsupported, irrelevant personal attacks against political rivals ("they're a danger to democracy," etc.).
  • Don't get fooled into thinking elections or the republic's future is about personalities instead of policies

"The nation needs dedicated volunteers to run the polls, and officials frequently report sometimes critical shortages of poll workers," says Jason Snead, executive director of the Honest Elections Project.


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