Given the massive challenges America faces presently, does this man make sense as a front-line leader for our movement? Can a clearly impaired octogenarian really be the best America can do?
Increasingly, these octogenarian Washington potentates take direction from the oligarchs of big business who largely determine national policy and dominate the public square in America.
The fusion of government and big business in 2020s America represents a systemic threat to true self government in our land.
Admittedly, these oligarchs are not uniformly as old as the ancient autocrats of Washington, but some of these notable business influencers would help America if they joined McConnell, Feinstein, and Biden at the ice cream social hour at Seinfeld's retirement home "Del Boca Vista."
Soros masterfully exploited the opportunities of capitalism in an open republic to subsequently use his formidable acumen and financial firepower to try to transform America into a collectivist leftist tyranny.
Imagine how much better off America would be today if we had never allowed George Soros to emigrate here?
In the scheme of history, America is still a young country, a mere teenager compared to the old nations of the world.
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