Sunday, July 9, 2023

White House Press Pool Report Shows The Family Was Present

 According to Fox News, a Fox press pool report negates White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre's claim that the Biden family was not present at the White House the days prior to the West Wing cocaine controversy.

He didn't depart the White House until 6:34 p.m. When he left, First Lady Jill Biden, Hunter Biden and Hunter's son Beau Biden were with him.

At a White House briefing on June 30, a New York Post reporter asked Jean-Pierre, "Can you say once and for all whether or not the cocaine belonged to the Biden family?".

Yes: 100%. No: 0%. But according to the Fox press report, Biden was there on Friday.

It's easy to see why and how the Biden White House press briefings break down into a never-ending Saturday Night Live skit.

Taken with Jean-Pierre's falsehoods concerning where the Biden family was make it seem far more like some kind of cover-up to protect whoever might have brought the illicit drug into the West Wing.

If the Biden family has gotten away with things over the years, it might be because people thought they were so dumb they didn't bother looking.

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