Anthrax is a bioweapon and the FDA has just approved a new vaccine for it which doesn't work.
The new vaccine is the old Anthrax vaccine with a novel adjuvant added - so it cannot possibly be safer than the bad old vaccine.
Just over a week ago, the US Food and Drug Administration approved the vaccine to be administered in two doses over 14 days after exposure, or suspected exposure, to Anthrax as a preventative or prophylaxis of disease.
Dr. Meryl Nass, a bioterrorism and Anthrax expert, told The Defender that during the 2001 Anthrax scare, where politicians and media organisations across the country received Anthrax in the mail, five people died - but "Everyone who got antibiotics early did not come down with Anthrax and none of them died."
A letter inquiring about this to last year got an answer that the Anthrax vaccine mentioned here is not the same Anthrax vaccine as the licensed vaccine that service members are currently receiving, suggesting that at least one other has been given.
What You Need to Know About the New Anthrax Vaccine "Now we have the label and the side effects are horrendous," Dr. Nass wrote on 22 July 2023, the day after The Defender's article was published.
This shot is the old Anthrax shot with a novel adjuvant added - so it cannot possibly be safer than the bad old vaccine.
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