Sunday, July 9, 2023

'Sound Of Freedom' Sends A Rolling Stone Writer Into Fits Of Rage

 The Guardian set off the parade of stupidity by tying the movie, which is based on a true story, to QAnon. Does the movie mention QAnon, Hillary Clinton, Pizzagate, or anything of the sort? Not even a little bit. Rather, it’s just a story about saving a girl from human traffickers in South America.

Rather, it's just a story about saving a girl from human traffickers in South America.

Let me stop there because if I'm reading that right, and I think I am, this reviewer is actually suggesting that it's a problem for movie-goers watching this movie to believe that human trafficking is real.

Does Miles Klee think human trafficking doesn't exist? I'm left wondering what great harm is even being perceived here.

Whether one agrees with Ballard's techniques, and I have a feeling Miles is stretching matters, or not, that shouldn't drive someone to essentially become an apologist for human trafficking.

From there, Miles launches into a tortured critique of the film, but he then went to Twitter to essentially mock human trafficking as a real-world problem.

We are talking about a run-of-the-mill action thriller about extracting a little girl from human traffickers.

There is no grand army of QAnon followers going to see Sound of Freedom.

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