Wednesday, July 5, 2023

O'Biden To Follow China's Lead In Blocking Out The Sun

 "The outrageous Big Lie of China leading the world in tackling climate change is there for all to see in Beijing, where the pretend sunrise has to be televised on giant TV screens because smog is completely wiping out all natural light."

Now Barack Obama has seen to it that President Joe Biden will follow China's lead in blocking out the sunshine from humanity.

Most everything Biden does originates with former President Barack Obama, who will swap out his 3rd term in office with his wife Michelle-with or without an Election-when the time is right.

"A research document published on the White House website reveals the Biden administration is open to studying how to block sunlight to save the Earth from climate change.

"According to the report titled"Congressionally-Mandated Report on Solar Radiation Modification," the types of geoengineering methods the Biden administration is looking into are "stratospheric aerosol injection and marine cloud brightening.

"Social media users questioned how the government could think this was a good idea with actor and comedian Rob Schneider remarking, "So the same morons who said, 'Masks work and you can't get covid if you get the jab,' want to block out the sun?!".

"Former Canada politician Roman Baber wrote,"The woke/liberal ideologues who tried to stop an aerosolized virus with plexiglass, are now talking about blocking the sun.

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