Friday, July 7, 2023

New York Citizens Audit

 Two years ago, a group of New Yorkers—busy like you—set forth to determine if our elections were fair and honest. Using publicly available voter roll databases obtained directly from state and local boards of elections through the Freedom of Information Law (FOIL), we began an audit of those records. What we found is alarming: New York elections massively violate state and federal law.

In Depth Data Analysis

Where we get the data

NY Citizens Audit has acquired data from multiple sources. These include official government websites, such as the census bureau, Secretary of State, and online voting regulation guides. NY Citizens Audit has also made numerous Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) requests to all 62 NY counties and the state Board of Elections (BOE). Some of those requests were ignored, others were partially satisfied, and others were complied with in full. In addition, citizens and candidates for public office have come forward with election-related information. Some of these persons have signed affidavits attesting to suspicious or illegal activity that they witnessed. All of the information acquired by NYCA is publicly available and may be disclosed publicly.

Discrepancies Between Official Sources

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