Saturday, July 8, 2023

Majority Of Black People Support Supreme Court Ban On Affirmative Action

 Black people, on whose behalf the whole affirmative action college debate has been waged, oppose it 71% to 28% and they're the group most favorably inclined to it.

Strikingly, black people don't much like affirmative action and a majority backed the Supreme Court decision.

The YouGov poll also asked people whether they felt affirmative action had had an impact on them.

While Black Americans were more likely to view affirmative action as positive than negative, fewer than half saw it as mainly positive.

Asking more broadly about efforts to increase racial and ethnic diversity - rather than specifically about affirmative action - it inquired whether people felt they had been advantaged or disadvantaged by such policies.

Thus you see one or two black people sitting in first class on a plane, while the majority can't even dream of it.

So what's the explanation for why black people oppose affirmative action?

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