Jordan Releases 'Smoking Gun Docs' Confirming Facebook Bowed To White House Censorship Demands Children's Health Defense
Rep. Jim Jordan today released today a series of unredacted emails from Facebook, that he characterized as proof the White House and other federal agencies exerted pressure on the social media company to censor authors whose posts ran counter to the government's official pandemic narrative.
The emails were provided by Facebook and Instagram parent company Meta to the House Judiciary Committee's Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government as part of its ongoing investigation.
In his lengthy Twitter thread, Jordan called the emails "Smoking gun docs," proving "Facebook and Instagram censored posts and changed their content moderation policies because of unconstitutional pressure from the Biden White House."
Lawyers for Children's Health Defense, a plaintiff in the Kennedy v. Biden class action suit, in April provided similar evidence in support of plaintiffs' claims that key Biden administration officials and offices pressured social media to censor posts, including those by Robert F. Kennedy Jr., CHD chairman on leave, and others who had been labeled members of the "Disinformation Dozen" by the Center for Countering Digital Hate.
Jordan began his Twitter thread with the words "The Facebook Files Part I," in a nod to the "Twitter Files" and intimating more revelations to come.
Jordan's email dump contradicts then-White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki's claim in 2021 that "We don't take anything down, we don't block anything. Facebook and any private sector company makes [sic] decisions about what information should be on their platform."
The ruling specifically mentioned Kennedy and CHD. Doughty's injunction barred members of the Biden administration and federal agencies from contacting social media companies in order to influence or coerce them into further censorship actions.
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