Wednesday, July 5, 2023

How Governments Create Inhumane Bureaucracies

Nonetheless in a short time Alexander succeeded in finding out the nature of the unprecedented cruelties that otherwise might have been unknown, cruelties by a nation that at the time had a claim to represent the most scientificly and culturally advanced nation on earth.

Far from acting alone, Alexander found, Rascher was immersed in a web of vile medical research.

Alexander's dogged efforts did expose the atrocities and inspired him to promote the idea of a code of conduct that became the Nuremberg Code a guide for all research on human subjects and a milestone in the history of medical ethics.

Dr. Alexander wrote a wonderful and compelling monograph for publication in the New England Journal of Medicine, and in that monograph he described his discoveries and explained how Germany, German Medicine, and the German population were influenced by the Nazi regime to abandon traditional compassion and consideration of humanity for new values: Hegelian utility, as opposed to tradition medical ethics, and treatment of those considered useless eaters - those who were politically disturbing or racially and ideologically offensive and oppositional or uncooperative - as not deserving of rightsm therefore eligible for extermination or human experiments.

Dr. Alexander provides a supplement in his essay that shows how the physicians of the Netherlands refused the Nazis' demnands and stopped the savagery, refused to be a part of it, and stood for humane and considerate medical principle, even under the threat of occupation and the hammer of the SS. The content you see here is paid for by the advertiser or content provider whose link you click on, and is recommended to you by Revcontent.

In the 1948-49 issue of Criminal Law and Criminology Dr. Alexander provided another extraordinary monograph on his observations of societal disintegration and devolution into criminality by the action or inaction of citizens.

Dr. Alexander warns of the dangers with his monograph, just as he warned of the corruption of Medical Practice and science under the influence of dictatorship. 

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