Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Federal Court Upholds Tennessee Law Protecting Kids From Transgender Drugs, Surgeries

 CINCINNATI, Ohio - Tennessee is likely to succeed in defending in court the state's prohibitions on minors receiving transgender drugs and surgeries, a three-judge panel of the Sixth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled on Saturday.

Challengers to the law tried to argue that "The law likely violated the Equal Protection and Due Process Clauses," but Sutton ruled that "The challengers do not argue that the original fixed meaning of either the due process or equal protection guarantee covers these claims."

Some federal judges have taken a more activist approach than the 6th Circuit, such as U.S. District Judge Jay Moody, who ruled against Arkansas' law that protects children from surgical and chemical mutilation.

The ongoing appeals of both Tennessee and Arkansas' law, and the possibility that different circuit courts will reach opposing conclusions, increases the likelihood that the Supreme Court of the United States may eventually have to intervene.

The law at least partially came about due to the work of the Daily Wire's Matt Walsh in exposing Vanderbilt University Medical Center healthcare professionals for talking about making profits off the surgical removal of healthy body parts from gender-confused kids.

The nationwide push to make it easier for kids to have healthy body parts removed or be injected with hormones comes despite mounting evidence of the dangers of transgender drugs and surgeries.

The dangers of transgender drugs and surgeries have drawn criticism from both credentialed American medical experts as well as European medical officials.


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