Thursday, July 6, 2023

China Seeks Military Dominance Through Fossil Fuels. Watts Up With That?

 To support that military domination, China is also aggressively building its fossil fuels refining capabilities to power those ships and aircraft.

President Joe Biden is aggressively campaigning to rid America of fossil fuels inclusive of in-America oil production and oil refining!

For all Americans, the 42-minute CBS 60 Minutes presentation video is a must viewing on The state of the U.S. Navy as China builds up its naval force and threatens Taiwan.

The amount of oil fed through refineries in Asia has significantly increased in the past three decades as demand for manufactured fuels and petroleum products surged in developing countries such as China and India, both with significant less stringent environmental regulations than those in America.

Ridding America of oil, before identifying a replacement, is immoral and evil, as extreme shortages of the products and fuels now manufactured from fossil fuels will result in billions of fatalities from diseases, malnutrition, and weather-related deaths, and will have overwhelmingly negative impacts on GDP, national security, and development.

With China pursuing military domination, President Joe Biden continues moving to rid America of fossil fuels while simultaneously pursuing the generation of occasional electricity from wind turbines and solar panels.

In the years ahead, as Biden focuses on ridding the USA of fossil fuels, America's powerful and elite military fleet of ships and aircraft will become more dependent on the fuels and oil-based products manufactured in China's refineries!

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